Matthew Stone Chairman of NextGen Nano

Matthew Stone is a major investor in clean technology and NextGen Nano represents his expertise and interest in nanotechnology aimed at revolutionising the energy sector.
Matthew Stone

NextGen Nano is working to transform the energy market

NextGen Nano under the Chairmanship of Matthew Stone has developed breakthrough nanotechnology. The tech can be applied to all kinds of flexible surfaces to create durable, affordable energy production that has many real world applications.

Clean energy investor and Chairman Matthew Stone

Investing in and working with various companies within the clean energy sector, Matthew Stone works with a network of investors around the world. Past and present clients include some of the biggest corporate entities in the US, French, Asian and Indian exchanges and Government agencies in Africa, Asia, the US and Europe.

Why NextGen Nano opens the door to decentralised energy markets

As Chairman of Next Gen Nano, Matthew Stone is part of a team that developed PolyPower, an advanced technology that will transform existing energy markets. NextGen Nano will also open the door to new decentralised energy uses for all kinds of applications. These include wearable electronics, military hardware, electric vehicles, drones and planes, next generation yachting and may others.

Nanotechnology joins biochemistry and waste to energy as the current areas of focus for Matthew Stone. He has a global reputation for developing clean tech start-ups and transforming them into successful corporate entities.